Does Insurance Cover Implant-Retained Dentures?
In this video, Dr. Victor Apel, an experienced Melbourne implant dentist, explains how we work with and leverage your insurance provider to get you the maximum amount of coverage possible.
Some people have asked, does insurance cover an implant stabilized denture? All insurances are different, and we’ll help you maximize the benefits you have. We have a dedicated team who can help you navigate any insurance coverage questions, and help maximize any benefits you have available so you know exactly what your out of pocket expenses (if any) there are, prior to starting treatment. Give us a call at Designing Smiles and let us help you achieve the smile you deserve.
If you or someone you love is interested in exploring payment options for implant dentures, contact Designing Smiles Dentistry in Melbourne, FL, to learn about the coverage that your insurance plan offers. We can also review the flexible financing options that help to make your dental treatment affordable. Call now and let us give you something to smile about.